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Menopause Journey

In my 40’s my body began to change; losing hair, joint pain, stiffness, hot flushes, brain fog. I didn’t know it was peri-menopuse. I wasn’t aware of HRT, and doctors dismissed me by saying I was too young, or offering me anti-depressants. I researched and began to change my diet and lifestyle. It was a lonely time; friends and family didn't want to talk about it. South Asian culture women's health is a taboo and not discussed in any way. I had to go through it alone with the support from my husband and daughters.

Kitchen Discovery

Food as always played a central role in my life. Being from a Hindu Punjabi family meant that we always planned life around our meals and food was what brought us together. My intolerances to dairy and wheat over 20 years ago has meant I’ve had to be creative in the kitchen to produce nutritious food using quick and simple recipes. Food is the information that our body uses to produce each new cell and so it’s vital we aim to make each mouthful count. Our body is unique and as such the food our body needs is also quite specific and bespoke to us. I help you find what works for you using a scientific approach. I don’t believe in diets and short fixes; it’s all about living life to the fullest and living it in optimal health.

We move beyond macros, micros and calories to actually understanding food and using it to enable us to thrive, remain mental and physically active and well.

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Fitness Background

I have always enjoyed moving my body and focused most of my fitness on cardio based activities; tennis, running and never really thought about weight training because I believed I would become ‘too manly with muscles’.. I began to work with a PT who supported me with all my goals and I would say that a PT for me is one of the best investments I have made for my own health. 


As went through peri-menopause I realised that things were changing and it was really then that I began to work on resistant and strength training. I had to reduce and actually stop running because of injury and I found I replaced this with my Ashtanga yoga practice. The combination of these two disciplines has literally changed my life and helped me get through the turbulent times of menopause. 

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